Our company

Our great mission is:
to plan and produce professionally, with competence and high technology for the safeguard of human beings and of the environment. With these objectives our company has created sustainable and coherent environmental projects, Our products are solutions in the vanguard which contribute day by day to solve problems concerning the environment and workplace health.

Our strength
To invest every day in continuous environmental research and analysis.

Our Values
Responsibility in the production, considering the possible impact of the activities on the health of the community and on social and economic development. Optimization of the staff, considering professional and personal qualities, Efficiency and quality in the pursuit of the company’s objectives, Correctness and respect of every person and of the environment. Transparence in advertising and in the relationships with those to whom it may concern. Professionalism, our company is continuously engaged in research, development, in the planning and construction of innovative and personalized systems.

Our products
Permanent or mobile Wheel washing systems, personalized washing systems, purification plants, water and sludge treatment and permanent or mobile dust and odour suppression systems.

Ideals for:
Building sites, Excavation, Mines, Rock processing , Cement works, Stockpiles, Carbon and minerals processing, recycling plants, Processing of dead matter, Steel factories, Landfill sites, Garbage Trucks Processing, Inceneritor, Refineries, Demolition sites, Cement works, Road and galleries constructions and works, Barrage works, odour suppression for Landfill and dust suppression, Environmental disinfection, Purification and water and sludge treatment.





Clean srl p.iva: 02027230289 - via Borgo Padova, 64 - 35012 - Camposampiero, (PD) Tel: +39.049 9300500 - clean@clean-impianti.it